Construction - Security Concept & Design

Construction - Security Concept & Design
1. Security if factored in from the inception of a construction plan can pay rich dividends as follows –
- It ensures that aesthetics is not compromised while factoring security structures.
- Huge cost saving as a retrofit for security apparatus later is expensive and also hampers building functionality.
- An incident because of a flawed security structure can seriously dent the reputation of a builder.
- A professionally planned and executed security design enhances the credibility of a builder.
2. We work with builders and architects to assist them in –
- Define a security concept based on a threat and vulnerability analysis. Give recommendations on the level of security measures – must, should and could have.
- Formulate a security design with detailed recommendations on building design, material to be used, sensors, barriers alarms and physical guarding requirement.
- Tendering support and monitor implementation of the design.

VS4 conducted security audits of our ultra luxury residential portfolio focusing Embassy Terraces and Boulevard. The Professional and pragmatic assessment resulted in increased efficiencies and cost savings.

VS4 have made concerted efforts to train their guarding force to meet our requirements. They assisted us in setting up processes and have carried security assessments in a competent manner. They are very professional in their approach.

VS4 consulting services have been a great asset to us and have added value to our security processes by their cross functional knowledge and professional competence. They have supported Scania in –BCP, Pilferage Detection and Workplace Violence mitigation.

VS4 Team has met our quality
standards. I strongly
recommend VS4 for
deployment in a 5 Star Hotel

They have rendered quality
services and have been very
professional. They use
information management
applications for effective