Construction - Security Concept & Design

Construction - Security Concept & Design

1. Security if factored in from the inception of a construction plan can pay rich dividends as follows –

  • It ensures that aesthetics is not compromised while factoring security structures.
  • Huge cost saving as a retrofit for security apparatus later is expensive and also hampers building functionality.
  • An incident because of a flawed security structure can seriously dent the reputation of a builder.
  • A professionally planned and executed security design enhances the credibility of a builder.

2. We work with builders and architects to assist them in –

  • Define a security concept based on a threat and vulnerability analysis. Give recommendations on the level of security measures – must, should and could have.
  • Formulate a security design with detailed recommendations on building design, material to be used, sensors, barriers alarms and physical guarding requirement.
  • Tendering support and monitor implementation of the design.
