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  • Post category:LOCKDOWN
  • Reading time:4 mins read

The success of operations post lockdown will largely depend upon the strict implementation of the preventive measures notified by the Ministry of Health. A single incident of infection is enough to shake the confidence of the workforce, it may even invite the area being designated a Red Zone.

Physical security assumes great importance in the post lockdown environment as the Guards will now be entrusted to ensure the implementation of COVID 19 preventive measures.

Additional Tasks Envisaged for Physical Security –

  • Ensuring sanitisation even before an individual makes a physical entry.
  • Manning of checkpoints and operation of thermal temperature meters and disinfection tunnels.
  • Checks for wearing protective gear like masks and gloves both on entry and while inside.
  • Ensuring installation of the Aarogya Setu apps on mobiles of visitors/ employees on the entry.
  • Implementing individual distancing at – lobbies, cafeterias, waiting areas, and parking.
  • Regulating entries in lifts, meeting rooms toilets, etc.
  • Blocking and monitoring of unauthorized access/ exit points.
  • Generating reports related to individual checks, area sanitising schedules, and supplies of disinfectants.
  • Resolving altercations with defaulters.

Measures to Enhance Efficiency –

  • Installation of automated visitor management systems, thus totally negating the use of pen and paper.
  • Doing away biometric systems involving touching of sensors.
  • Use of smart cameras and sensors for monitoring violations.
  • Enhanced CCTV monitoring. Having a small mobile reaction force of guards for reacting to inputs of violations given by the sensors.
  • Installation of more X-ray scanners, disinfection tunnels, and doorframe detectors.

Precautions for Guards –

  • Medical checks should be conducted twice daily. Even with minor sickness, the guard should be immediately removed from duty and sent for medical examination. He should then be monitored for further action.
  • Management should ensure that security staff observes strict self-protection measures against COVID. 
  • Frisking needs to be avoided. If necessary then the security guards should wear gloves and face shields.
  • In the absence of baggage scanners, a point should be earmarked where the baggage should be dropped away. This should then be checked separately by security wearing gloves and face shields.

Training –

Contact training by training officers may not be possible. Training videos should be made and circulated in Whatsapp groups of guards. The site in charge should regularly brief the guards on Dos and Don’ts and conduct the practice of check drills.

Your security guard will be a very important contributor to the success of your business continuity. It is therefore imperative that he is professionally managed and kept motivated.

Col Vineet Seth, VSM (Retd)


VS4 Security and Services