• Terminating an employee may be necessary for a multitude of reasons including company downsizing, poor work performance, or violation of company policy. But, what if an employee poses a risk to the company based on past behaviours or actions? Are you prepared  to handle a high-risk termination?


  • It is not uncommon for an employee to display anger and/or hurt after being terminated from his/her position. Retaliation can be carried out in a variety of ways including, sabotage and/or destruction of company property, the use of social media to spread disparaging and derogatory statements, and in extreme cases the use of threats and acts of violence. Companies can attempt to minimize the negative impact it can have on business operations. When terminating an employee, a company should always consider the potential security risks involved and plan accordingly.
  • VS4 helps you prepare contingency plans before any high-risk terminations take place. We also assist you to mitigate workplace violence.